Sunday, July 26, 2009

Elias Evers!

It's much, much too late to start a new blog post, but I am trying so hard to get caught up so I can keep everyone updated on the new and exciting happenings in our lives- things like a new kiddie pool, Owen pooping on the kitchen floor, Elias holding his head up, sleeping all day and only 2 hr. stretches at night (what's up with that??!!), and the car ride this weekend when I told Owen, "son, don't lick the bottom of your shoe!" Only the beginning of "things I never thought I'd say- life with 2 boys 15 months apart!!" :) Fun stuff!

So for those of you who would like to know how we finally named our 2nd son, here goes...

We didn't have a boy name chosen before we went into labor- this was the same for Owen as well. However, we thought we had time to discuss our short list during labor, as we did last time. Wrong! The fastest birth ever (in under 4 hours) did not allow for any discussion of names- we almost didn't make it to the hospital (see previous post for gory details!). Our doula and friend, Amanda, will insist at our next birth that we sleep at the hospital the night before to avoid having her deliver a baby! :) Of course, us fertile Shope's are really, really hoping to wait and welcome baby #3 on the East coast. :) Anyway...

Elias was born and we had no name, so we called him baby Shope for the first day of his life. He also earned the nickname "little bug" rather quickly because of his "glow worm- like" appearance when he was swaddled with his baby hat on (see below).

Little bug

Our family was clamoring for a name and we were hoping to be able to tell Owen the name of his baby brother before we brought him home from the hospital. The day after Elias was born (Wed. May 27th) Owen spent the day with friends and Brian joined Elias and I at the hospital. Brian and I went over and over the names we had on our list- we felt (feel) strongly about the importance and gravity of naming a child- speaking into their life this name that will be a part of him/her for the rest of his/her life- hence the lack of a decision (I think we felt strongly about making sure we went through this process allowing enough time to give it the time it's due, and never had that kind of time while chasing Owen and working full-time/going to school). So on the day after Elias was born we finally decided that he would forevermore be "Elias Evers Shope". It was really a special time- just the three of us- talking and discussing various options and combinations. It seems funny to think about it now- he is totally Elias Evers!

Elias (Eh-lie-us) is a family name on Brian's side and a form of Elijah meaning "the Lord is my God" and Evers is the last name of Medgar and Myrlie Evers, heroes of Brian and I. Medgar Evers was a civil rights attorney and activist who was assassinated on June 12, 1963 for his commitment to equal rights for blacks in Mississippi and across the nation

Brian and I took our college students at WVU to Mississippi in May of 2006 for a trip working with John Perkins and his family at the Jonh M. Perkins Center for Reconciliation and Development in Jackson, MS. It was a formative week in our lives, and one of the highlights was a tour of Jackson, MS including Medgar and Myrlie Evers home. Brian and I were both moved to tears to be in this space, and continued to learn about the Evers and their commitment to justice and peace throughout their lives. After reading a biography of Myrlie Evers I remember telling Brian "Evers" would be a name I would like for one of our children, hoping that he/she would seek to care for the poor and oppressed in much the same way that Medgar and Myrlie did (no pressure, Elias!).

And so, Elias Evers was the name we chose for our beautiful son. After we decided on this name for our child, Brian held Elias and told him his name for the first time, blessing and praying over him. It was a special time for all of us and a moment I won't ever forget; to see this man that I love casting vision for our son as he heard his name for the first time. This is why we don't tell people the names we're thinking of beforehand - this is an African tradition that we like to uphold- the child hears his/her name first - from the father. So, if you asked us what names we were thinking of, you received a vague answer for this reason. :)

It fits him, we love it, and can't wait to see how his personality continues to unfold!

Introducing Elias Evers Shope...

1 comment:

Janine said...

You are so beautiful, and I love you so much! I am so honored to know you and be your sister. Thank you for loving me and allowing me that privilege. Oh Baby Elias Evers! Do you know how great your parents are? I love you Elias!