Friday, February 29, 2008

Meeting Maggie & life at home with baby Owen

We actually came home from the hospital on Valentine's day after 2 nights there. We didn't have anything ready and our apt. was in chaos, as we had been moving the crib around trying to find a good spot where it didn't take up too much room. Brian was so awesome and went home really late Wed. night after being with us all day in the hospital and put our apt. back together so I wouldn't walk into such a mess. I know, he's amazing, and I am spoiled! :)

Here are some pics of us leaving the hospital...

Owen was not so happy about his car seat, as you can see...

His fuzzy froggy blanket made it just bearable.

We actually didn't even have a car seat- our doula Amanda was going to loan us her family's infant car seat until we could get one since they weren't using it. She went to borrow a hose from her neighbor to wash it off and their neighbor said they don't need their infant car seat anymore- their youngest child outgrew it recently, so we could just have it! Awesome (we have never met these people!). It just goes to show what great community there is here at Fuller- we have been so blessed by so many meals, calls, and offers for folks to come and do our laundry, grocery shop for us- it's been really encouraging and all of this after only living here for 5 months. :) THANKS everyone!

So, now the million dollar question- how is Maggie adjusting to Owen????

Maggie is actually doing very well with Owen! The first day was interesting- she couldn't figure out why we were so concerned with the thing in the small seat- she was very curious- especially when Owen started making noises far more extensive than "fake baby's" repertoire. :)

The first few days she wanted to be right with us anytime we were doing anything with Owen- see the nursing shot below with Maggie's head on the pillow! Now she loves him - esp. sniffing him, which we allow as long as it isn't on his face. She also will come and get our attention if he is crying, "can somebody please help him??!!" She often sleeps in front of his pack n play (although he sleeps in bed with us) and enjoys taking part in diaper changes and midnight feedings.

Overall we are all doing very well- we are slowly adjusting to the great sleep deprivation- poor Brian has to get up and go to work and class. Owen and I are marveling at how quickly my maternity leave is going- I just can't believe he'll be 3 wks. old tomorrow! He is growing very quickly and you can see the difference in pics from his first few days of life and those more recent. Here are a few of my favorites below--- for the complete Owen collection go to

As you will see we spend most of our time gazing at him and/or gazing at him and then taking his picture! We love our son!!!


April Emery said...

what beautiful parents you are ... owen is just precious! you guys have taken some amazing pictures of him. hope all is well with nursing! can't wait to hear more from you guys!

Joshua said...

I miss you guys. I hope you're having a good time out there! I'll keep checking in on yinz from time to time.

*That kind of makes me sound like a stalker.*

Rachel Elek said...

We need an update of how you are all doing and pictures!

Bonnieupnorth said... the baby in the basket!!!