Ok, so we really don't have a Barbie doll. We're not really into Barbie, even for our upcoming child. But the most incredible circumstances unfolded around us last night. After opening a baby registry at Babies R' Us (I think Megan has information about that forthcoming), we stopped at Target to pick a couple things up. One of the things we purchased was our baby training implement for Maggie, the wonder dog. Our equipment? A near life size baby doll, which says 'momma' or 'poppa', when squeezing her hand, laughs when you squeeze her tummy, and cries or coos when you squeeze one of her feet. The life-like sounds were a nice touch to the work before us. Based on recommendations from various expert sources (none of which I can name), one should acclimate a pet to the upcoming addition to the family- i.e., this is not your new squeak toy. The new parents are to carry around the doll as though a real child, setting safe boundaries if the dog shows too much interest, etc. They've even recommended walking the dog with the stroller and your 'baby' inside. I think you get the picture...
We weren't quit sure what to expect, but knew we had laid some groundwork that we might have to undo. Let me explain. From time to time we've gotten our first child (Maggie) a stuffed toy, usually in the shape of some animal, that contained the infamous and ever intriguing squeak inside. Her first experience in this was baby Herman. I think you can already see where we could've used different nomenclature. If that wasn't enough, we would raise Baby Herman the squeaking teddy bear to our shoulder as though burping him, and torment our dog. (She knew we were playing; no animals were harmed in the making of this story.)
Anyway, we walked into the house last night, and we both assumed that she might give us a perfunctory sniff, the "hey-what's-that-oh-it's-not-for-me" greeting, and we'd continue changing the environment around her gradually. But when Megan was holding our 'child' in a realistic manner, Maggie would not let her alone. She was trying to smell, taste (gently, Maggie gives everything a lick or two as an introduction to determine edibility), and generally get herself closer to this new thing we were carrying like Baby Herman. She whined, sat at attention when she wasn't trying to greet the baby, and actually barked at her desire to see our baby. She even tried climbing on top of the couch for a close look.
Then I took our child. Now, you should've seen all of this. We actually were doing our best to handle this baby as realistically as possible. So, Megan passes me the baby much like we would our newborn to come, while we box out our intensely curious dog. I sit down on our rocker, trying to simulate the late-night feeding sessions that are to come. Maggie begins performing many of the same behaviors for me that she has for Megan. Whining, sniffing, licking, barking, and at times we had to gently but firmly say 'no!' Then her behavior begins to reveal that if she can't have the baby, then baby is just receiving WAY too much attention, and that's what she exists for: our undying love and focus. She then begins to try and give me her paw, while I'm sitting with the baby in the rocking chair. Again, I'm not really giving Maggie my attention, because we want to simulate our behavior when our child is present. So, I'm cradling the baby in my arms, burping our child, etc. Every action brings Maggie to a new, higher level of attentiveness. She finally resorts to the tricks she knows: she tries to give me her paw. "Dad, look what I can do!" And not just one, but both at different times. Repeatedly. Then barking. Then trying to climb into my lap. All throughout this ordeal we are talking to her, Megan is petting her, and giving her treats for being "so good."
We pass one more time, back to Megan. I actually had to pinch Maggie between my legs as we passed our "child" while trying to lunge for a closer look. Well, Maggie visits with Megan sitting in the rocker, again sharing her excitement, desire for this possible new toy, and attention from mom that she's not receiving. After a brief moment of this, she comes back over to me and literally tries to climb into my lap. For those who may not know or forget, Maggie is borderline 80 lbs. and resembles a black lab. I'm sitting on the floor and she is all over me, gaining reassurance that her place is secure.
In the end, we were quite surprised at the intense emotion Maggie displayed. I may sound as though I'm giving her a bad rap, but she was really good. She is such a sweet creature, and we were so surprised that she would feel that attached to climb into my lap, and when that wasn't working because of her size, to bury herself into and under daddy's legs. (Yeah, she really did that.) All that to say, if you are pregnant or planning pregnancy, and have a dog, do some research and be sure that your canine baby is ready for the appropriate, albeit difficult for all, displacement.
Note the pics below of my lovely wife putting together the crib friends from our new church here in Pasadena passed along. Maggie looks slightly worried, but mostly trying to figure out how she can get the white teddy bear sitting in the crib - she has loved it since the day we opened the package from Grandma Shope, and would like the real baby to give it to her as a gift. Negotiation through the belly is somewhat difficult, however. The model 'baby' has not been introduced into the crib as of yet, we're trying to take it one step at a time, so for now the closet in the nook is home. Ah, the joys of things to come!! :) Look for more updates as we venture into the world of 10 weeks to go and counting. Actually, we're at 31 weeks today- WOW!
Meg putting the crib together...
Maggie's reaction...
And...a few pics of the 30 wk. old belly...
1 comment:
how fun! she will do great when baby shope arrives! Referring to mt e-mail to megan earlier, once the elek dogs could look at Norah, they were fine. it was sweet!
looking good megan! (you too brian ;))
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